Introduction of Market Conduct Code 

(조합 영업윤리 강령 안내)

We, Korean Catholic Church Credit Union Ltd. (KCCCU or Credit Union hereinafter) are committed to ensuring that our members are completely satisfied with the level of services they receive.

천주교 신용조합은 회원이 만족할만한 수준의 금융서비스를 하기 위해 노력하고 있습니다.

The Code recognizes principles that we pledge to follow for soliciting, promoting, advertising, marketing, selling, or distributing our products and services. The Code demonstrates our commitment to the fair treatment of all those who use our services. We believe in fair sales practices, comprehensive access to banking services, transparency, and openness, and a reasonable approach to settling complaints. Individuals are entitled to the best possible care of their financial interests.

조합 영업 윤리강령은 회원유치, 광고, 마케팅 등 조합의 상품과 서비스의 판매와 관련된 기본 원칙을 정하고 있습니다. 이를 통하여 조합을 이용하시는 회원에 대한 공정한 대우를 약속드립니다. 공정한 거래, 차별없고, 투명하고, 공개된 금융서비스와 불만에 대한 합리적인 해결책 제시를 통해 각 회원의 필요한 금융수요을 최대한 만족할 수 있도록 할 것입니다.


We respect our provincial regulatory obligations, and continually practice excellence in consumer protection. Our code is comprised of the following five key principles;

조합은 소비자 보호 의무를 준수하며, 윤리강령은 다음 다섯가지 항목으로 구성되어 있습니다.


1. Business Practices (영업 관행): We are committed to providing customer service excellence to all our members and customers using our products and services. It is a core component of our governance and corporate culture. 조합을 이용하는 회원, 고객에게 최상의 서비스를 제공할 것을 약속합니다.


2. Fair Treatment and Fair Sales Practices (공정한 대우와 판매 활동): Treating members and customers fairly and demonstrating fair sales practices at all times are integral parts of our business practices. 고객과 회원을 공평하게 대하고, 공정한 거래를 일상화하고 있습니다.


3. Access to Banking Services (금융서비스 제공): We ensure that all credit union members and customers are granted access to fundamental financial services. 고객과 회원에게 기본적인 금융서비스는 누구에게나 제공합니다.


4. Transparency and Disclosure (투명성 및 공개): The credit union uses plain-language descriptions of products and services in its communications to ensure people make informed decisions.

이해하기 쉬운 평이한 용어를 사용하여, 고객이 충분히 이해를 할 수 있도록 합니다.


5. Complaint Handling (불만 처리): We examine complaints, work to settle them fairly, and track them to help ensure our practices continue to improve. 불만족한 사항에 대해 공정하게 해결이 되도록 노력하고, 재발이 되지 않도록 개선을 합니다.







Complaint Handling Process (고객 불만 처리 절차)


What is Our Commitment to You?

Developing and fostering long-term relationships with members is the foundation of our commitment to service. The Korean Catholic Church Credit Union Ltd (KCCCU or Credit Union) and our employees have always been committed to delivering a high quality of service to customers. Our Market Conduct Code builds on this commitment by identifying the standards we embrace as an organization, the way we conduct ourselves, and how we will continue to treat you as we work to maintain your trust while living out our cooperative values.

We hope you are happy with the service we provide. However, we know that things can sometimes go wrong. As part of the Market Conduct Code, we have implemented a formal complaint handling process to deal with these situations. If you have a concern or a complaint about the service we provide or the product lines we offer, we want to hear from you. If we get things wrong, it is important that you tell us so we can try to make matters right. This also helps us to improve our service in the future.

조합의 업무나 서비스에 대해 불만족한 사항이나 개선이 필요한 사항이 있으신 경우 전화나 이메일로 알려 주시면, 최선을 다해 해결을 하도록 하겠습니다.


How you can contact us:

General Manager/Compliance Officer

Korean Catholic Church Credit Union Ltd

849 Don Mills Rd. 2nd Fl. Toronto M3C 1W1

Tel: 416-447-7788  Fax: 416-447-5297



What to Do if You Have a Complaint

Please let us know if you have any questions, complaints, or concerns about your dealings with the credit union. While most questions can be answered by the credit union staff, for complaints and concerns.

Before you call or come in with a complaint, put together any relevant paperwork. Try to pinpoint the date when the problem arose. Get the names of any staff members involved and finally, get a clear picture in your mind of what the circumstances were and what youd like us to do.

If the issue is complicated, it may be best to send a written complaint detailing the issue. Always document the names of people you talk to, including times, dates, and outcomes of the discussions. Taking these steps will assure that your concerns are addressed in a fair, effective, and prompt manner.


Start Where the Problem Started

Its easiest to check facts and make corrections at the place where the problem started your credit union, your mortgage broker, etc. wherever the issue started out, make that your first call. The credit union complaint handling process will provide fair treatment to members and ensure complaints are dealt with in a courteous and timely manner.

The sooner you contact us the sooner we can begin working on a solution.


Dont Give Up

If the employee you approach cant help you resolve things, ask to speak to the privacy officer or senior manager. They have the authority to solve most problems right away. 

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